Welcome to The Lie Lab!

We study deception detection and interviewing practices from social and cognitive perspectives. We are particularly interested in approaches that can be used for training purposes and policy development. Our research team consists of Dr. Amy Leach and a talented group of graduate and undergraduate students. On our website, you can meet the team, learn about our current projects, download our publications, and find out how to become involved in our research. Please contact us if you would like to know more.


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“Covid-19 and the courtroom: How social and cognitive psychological processes might affect trials during a pandemic”
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“You must be lying because I don’t understand you: Language proficiency and lie detection”
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“‘Look this way’: Using gaze maintenance to facilitate the detection of children’s false reports”
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“Confidence can reliably discriminate between accurate and inaccurate lie decisions”
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“Looks like a liar? The effects of language proficiency on beliefs about deception”
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“Perceptions of coercion in interrogation: Comparing expert and lay opinions”
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“Investigating deception in second language speakers: Interviewee and interviewer perspectives”
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“After innocence: Perception of individuals who have been wrongly convicted”
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“Observers’ language proficiencies and the detection of non- native speakers’ deception”
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“Less is more?: Detecting lies in veiled witnesses”
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“Stigma and wrongful conviction: All exonerees are not perceived equal”
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“The effect of evidence type, identification accuracy, line-up presentation, and line-up administration on observers’ perceptions of eyewitnesses”
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“False impressions? The effect of language proficiency on cues, perceptions, and lie detection”
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“‘Do accents speak louder than words? Perceptions of linguistic speech characteristics on deception detection”
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“(Mis)measuring cognitive load and arousal in deception: A multitrait–multimethod analysis”
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Detecting Deception During a Pandemic Webinar– Click to Watch Now